The history of this; it became something of a project that in essence goes back a long time and to 1977, at least for me. This is the first post on that, and it involved this album originally released in 1971:
As I mentioned then, back in early 2012, it had taken me almost thirty-five years to actually track this down. For some reason, in early December 2012, I decided upon a more ambitious project. That was (to attempt to) track down the two albums that preceded 'High Level'. The proviso was threefold:
- it would be done on a tight budget, with no particular time limit therefore
- the albums had to be playable (not mint or wrapped, as I fully intended to play them)
- the albums had to be the original vinyl releases
You might wonder about this, as did I but a little searching it proved what recordings I was actually looking for. Knowing what you are trying to find is always a good place to start. It turned out to be this trio:
- Northumberland For Ever (1968) - Topic Records 12TS186
- The Lads of Northumbria (1969) - Trailer Records LER 2007
- Keep Your Feet Still Geordie Hinnie (1970) - Trailer Records LER 2020
I was already aware in essence of the first two of the above, which are studio albums, but not the third and that is how it turned out to being a search for three albums. The last was the final one to succumb and also the most expensive although not by much. Keep Your Feet Still Geordie Hinnie is a live album recorded in a single take at Balmbaras, an old-time music-hall pub in Newcastle.
Here are the covers of the three albums that I purchased, as taken by me just now:
So there you are. The total cost for all three, including all delivery charges, was £33.71. In Part 2 of this post I shall try and comment on the music and also the history behind some of it, not least that of Balmbaras.