Monday, May 03, 2010

Hada de las flores

As we seem to be much involved with song lyrics here is another, except that it is a poem by Peruvian José María Eguren (1874 - 1942).

Thank you for bringing this to my attention, which is hardly something that would have happened otherwise and it is some time since I have indulged in foreign language lyrics. I'm not sure how or why we ended up here but then that is part of the pleasure of writing a blog.
You have to believe it, as I do, because if it were any other way I'd have quit after the first few posts just like I thought I would!


En el pasadizo nebuloso
cual mágico sueño de Estambul,
su perfil presenta destelloso
la niña de la lámpara azul.

Ágil y risueña se insinúa,
y su llama seductora brilla,
tiembla en su cabello la garúa
de la playa de la maravilla.

Con voz infantil y melodiosa
en fresco aroma de abedul,
habla de una vida milagrosa
la niña de la lámpara azul.

Con cálidos ojos de dulzura
y besos de amor matutino,
me ofrece la bella criatura
un mágico y celeste camino.

De encantación en un derroche,
hiende leda, vaporoso tul;
y me guía a través de la noche
la niña de la lámpara azul.

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