Monday, June 01, 2015

New Music 2015 - Part 44 - Eloise Keating - Working Late

It is not unknown for me to write a post about a single song but it is far from usual. This is one of those exceptions and here is how it came about. Less than an hour ago I was listening to one of my regular doses of new music, on Amazing Radio as it happens, and went to the kitchen to check how my meal was doing. I came back part way through a song and my immediate thought --- is this a Lana Del Rey song I haven't heard?
The next thought was that Amazing Radio wouldn't be the vehicle for that; her label --- UMG/Polydor/Geffen according to territory --- would have that covered, at great cost, all over the world on more levels than I care to even contemplate.
I was right about that for this was not what it sounded as though it might be. You'll see in the style why I was so easily led. When it comes to the lyric a little listen will make you realise that the detail isn't quite from the same surroundings, be they cultural or physical, in which Elizabeth Grant as her alter ego portrays itself.

This is the latest song from Portsmouth-based Eloise Keating. She doesn't have major label backing.
Maybe that is not what she seeks. What I do know is that I should expect some flak here - is it pastiche, parody or whatever else one might suggest? My opinion is that if she can get the measure of it as well as this, then there are no limits.

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